Dave Roever:
Ambassador of Hope
Dave's Story of Hope and Resilience
The ordeal left him hospitalized for fourteen months, where he underwent numerous major surgeries. His survival and life are miraculous.
Dave Roever grew up in a loving, committed family in South Texas. The last thing on his mind was going to war. At the height of the Vietnam War, he received his draft notice. Having no desire to serve in the infantry, he joined the Navy and served as a river boat gunner in the elite Brown Water Black Beret in Vietnam
Eight months into his tour of duty in Vietnam, Dave was burned beyond recognition when a phosphorous grenade he was poised to throw exploded in his hand.
Today, with his humorous style, Dave Roever is enthusiastically received both nationally and internationally as a public speaker. He is a gifted communicator and speaks in a variety of settings including public schools, military installations, business, men' s and youth conventions, etc. Dave is a frequent guest on national television talk shows. He established compassionate, ongoing missions work in Vietnam and is involved in other nations.
Serving Churches
Dave Roever proclaims the Word of God and exemplifies a life of tenacious faith. War-time trauma became a life of thriving! Lost people are born again. Broken people are healed of internal pain. Crushed dreams are reignited.
God is strongly at work through Dave Roever’s ministry in churches, adult and youth conventions, media outlets, and wherever God sends him.
Serving Schools
As Dave Roever speaks, interspersing his life story with the issues they face, public school students are mesmerized, as their hungry hearts absorb truth and hope. Afterward, the school halls as well as the homes buzz with
conversations for days, weeks, or a lifetime. Students envision a successful future! Those with life crises open up and reach out for help. Students and families are transformed.
Serving the Military
Military members – America’s heroes -- instantly connect with Dave Roever. Across the homeland as well as at installations and hot spots around the world, he speaks in faith-based events and encourages the chaplaincy. He also provides training for active-duty service men and women in resilience, and suicide and violence prevention. Many, both leaders and trainees, were first touched by his life while in high school, and have gone on to serve their nation well.
Dave Roever and his amazing team provide programs to help restore hope, provide keys for success, and train today’s wounded or stressed warriors and their families to assist them in having meaningful futures.